Icon™ Brown Spot Removal Treatments

pigment_resultsFreckles are cute on children, but adults consider dark spots to be a sign of sun damage and aging skin. Brown spots often appear after spending too much time in the sun. Icon laser treatments can correct many types of hyperpigmentation, including sun spots, pigmented lesions, and birthmarks without causing painful side effects.


How Does Laser Dark Spot Removal Work?

The Icon delivers optimized light pulses to help blast away brown spots. The gentle light pulses stimulate the immune system to naturally remove excessive skin pigmentation without harming the surrounding skin. Icon IPL treatments are safe for most skin types and can be used to remove sun spots on the face, neck, chest, hands, and arms.

pigmentation-womanWhat to Expect During Icon IPL Treatments

Brown spot removal treatments only last about 30 minutes. Depending on the patient’s skin type, several sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Most people do not find IPL treatments uncomfortable, but anesthetic cream can be applied prior to treatment. A sunburn-like sensation and some minor swelling are the most common side effects, but they do not last long. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.

Simply Medical can help repair your sun-damaged skin! Contact us today to schedule a consultation.