IPL Photo Facial with the Icon™ Aesthetic System

photofacial_resultsWho doesn’t want to look younger? Non-invasive IPL treatments can help you turn back time! Icon IPL treatments reduce the appearance of undesirable dark spots, wrinkles, and facial redness to help you look and feel your best!


How Does Photorejuvenation Work?

The Icon uses optimized light pulses to improve some of the most common skin complaints. The immune system is encouraged by the light pulses to fade unwanted dark spots, revitalize wrinkles, and reduce facial redness. Icon IPL treatments are safe for most skin types and can be used to improve skin imperfections on all areas of the body including the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs.

ipl_womanWhat to Expect During Icon IPL Treatments

Photorejuvenation treatments only take about 30 minutes to complete. Depending on the patient, multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Most people do not find IPL treatments uncomfortable and anesthetic is not usually needed. The side effects are minor and typically include a sunburn-like sensation and some swelling. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.

IPL photo facial treatments can help you look younger! Contact Simply Medical today to schedule a consultation.